I want you to know
Your tiny heart is perfect
And we hear you in our daydreams
Through the winds
And in ourselves.
You are in our place of love
Even if your hands and feet
Aren’t seen and touched
The way we want;
The way we wanted.
Now the gentle wings of angels
Fold around you,
Carry you with tenderness and care.
The days here are not simple;
The way they turn with
Magic and then sadness.
I don’t have a reason
For the pain,
But I do know love can lift us
When our safe world is undone,
When spirit flickers dim,
And nothing's fair.
We call them now;
The daffodils, the willow leaves, lush grass
The robin songs and rising suns
What healing we can find;
So that our spirits sing with you
And fly with your sweet grace.
~abigler 2014
photo credit: antonychammond via photopin cc
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